Week 1

What is Educational Development?

Tuesday, May 10, 1–2:30 pm EDT, Zoom, Register via Eventbrite

Facilitators: Gerry Gourlay (University of Victoria), Véronique Brulé (McGill University), Brian Nairn (St. Clair College)

In this session, we will explore the big question of what is educational development (ED), specifically looking at our Canadian/local context. Through small and large group discussions, we will consider various aspects of ED and its changing role in higher education, including current challenges and ways in which we can continue to build community throughout our ED work.

Session Outcomes

  • Collectively define ED based on our shared experiences and interest in the topic.
  • Reflect on current issues that shape our work and how we situate ourselves within ED.
  • Connect with fellow EDs as part of a community.

Pre-Reading Material

Before joining us for the live session, we invite you to read the following selection as an introduction to the question of “What is Educational Development?”

Padlet Activity

In advance of the session, we invite you to reflect on the above readings and discuss the following questions via Padlet.

  • What are the common challenges facing educational developers?
  • Who are the key beneficiaries of educational development?
  • How might the profession raise awareness of our role and value to post-secondary education?
  • Is Educational Development an academic or a service role?

Session Material